Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

Gruden us fucking welcome to him

It will take more than God to put out the fires Brees has started here I fear

Shut up and dribble and you better vote Trump too boy


Scott is the greatest thing seen on a Sunday night since Miley and Dinny



With friends like theseā€¦

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Iā€™ve no interest in going into the US thread, but genuinely, how is this lad still in a job running a country?

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He knows he is going down this year and heā€™s taking the NFL with him

Thats the last thing Brees needed.

Imagine coming out and apologizing not once but twice and then the worlds most famous racist pops up to say heā€™s got your back. Saints will lose any goodwill if they persist with Brees this season

ah fans are fickle, theyā€™ll get over it quick enough. Any fan who gives up on their team is never a real fan anyway.

Lets go Bucs!


Kap is coming back

Yeah weā€™ll go with the rapist and turnover machine Jameis Winston instead. FFS sake.

Weā€™ll ? :rofl:

They were burning their Drew Brees jerseys in New Orleans last night

Havenā€™t heard of the Irish clique resorting to that tbh.

Saints only legitimate course of action here is to drop Brees and be the ones who reinstate Kap. Goodell is all but insisting upon this in his statement there above

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Was Kaepernick not given a trial not too long ago. He was supposed to try out in front of 32 teams at Atlanta training facility in front of media and scouts. Then at last minute he changed the venue to a high school field a couple of hours away. Many of media and scouts just went home at that point.