Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

Should move to a bubble in Idaho or Nebraska to play out the season. If the NBA playoffs, albeit with much smaller rosters, survives it could provide the template

Deliberate tanking from the Patriots, iā€™m shocked.

Hightower and mrs just had a baby ā€¦ so he doesnt want to take risks. Fair enough.

Not sure whatā€™s up with Cannon.

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Chung opting out as well.

and Brandon Bolden. Patriots falling apart

Is Trevor Lawrence really that good?

He has god on his side, yes

Tank Patriots, tankā€¦

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In short: Yes

Marquise Goodwin sitting out. Just as one week in MLB is in trouble after an outbreak with the marlins. Season is fucked.

He has a young child - family first. They should have just put the season back 6 - 8 weeks yonks ago - itā€™s coming around fast now and America is all over the placeā€” could be a different place come end of September.

So many are pulling out itā€™s like they realise the inevitable that it wonā€™t be played or at least finished so why risk injury or the illness (well yes some will for the money)

4 bubbles should have been set up in the likes of Wyoming, Hawaii etc- two per Conference - 8 teams in each. Play each other twice. Top three from each make the play offs. Games could be played throughout the week and broadcast live.


Sunday nights will be awful lonely throughout the autumn and winter if thereā€™s no Gridiron. Withdrawal symptoms from Redzone

Iā€™ll drop up and give you a hug if things get really bad pal.

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Itā€™ll get to that stage no doubt.

Have you considered the CFL?


oooot oooot oooot

Good effort by the Argos to stop that rouge eh?

A little primer on the most famous CFL oddity before we start up a CFL fantasy league

Ps @Gman did you recognise the Montreal coach?