Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

What will Belichick achieve now he finally found a QB?

Cam sticking 2 fingers up to TB

Lot of bitter guys here need to move on. Brady still living in your head aint healthy

I meant you

I thought you meant his dog !

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I just brought a dog, thinking I might call it Newton


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If he’s an athlete do, if he only likes fetching a few harmless short balls close in call him something else…

How bout them Jets? Useless cunts

Newton it is!

The Colts kicker :man_teacher: :joy:

This fifth round WR pick Cephus looks like he will be a good one. Sure handed

Stafford is everything Matt isn’t

Stafford picking up where he left off last year

Adrian Peterson still has some juice, couple of nice runs for 20+ yards today.

Kerryon is finished

He had a nice series after half time. They will both impact each other I’d say. Both will end up with 10 or 12 carries a game rather than one getting 20+

More juice than Matty that’s for sure

Baker Mayfield thinking he’s Russel Wilson :joy: :joy:

Great throw by Cousins there