Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

Redskins D getting it done today. Pity about their Offense.

Jags ain’t tanking

If the Browns had half the heart of the Washinton football team…

Coaching - Rivera’s teams always play hard.

Raiders are going to fuck this away…

Plenty time for the Falcons were.

MVP Mitch!

4th and 41 after that :grinning:

I knew Rodgers would be pissed off with the draft

Some tog filling from the Eagles.


Adrian Peterson going to have a 100 yard game here

Raiders Offensve Line has been brilliant today

He still looks like a giant out there

Hilton catches that, poor call.

His vision to see a gap is still top class

His step is still savage, he’s gaining yards he has no business getting.

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He just seems to glide through with a few strides, none of this head down bulldozing nonsense.

What a stop from the Raiders D.

New season same old lions

Eagles a bigger embarrasement today if it makes you feel better

Cost me my bet, was waiting on Carolina :-1: