Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

Have to go for it

Go Butker

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That’s about as good as it gets I’d say

Nothing against Christopher but he is very much superfluous to this memes true potential

Russ could end up having to do a lot of cooking tonight

This two minutes is going to be an eternity

Big call

Right call tbf

Jules should have hauled that in

Bad play-call

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After such a brilliant drive, stupid call or Cam going for it himself more likely.

Looking back, he was calling it on himself in the huddle alright

Cam needed to smarter at the end… over all, they moved the ball well - but gave up some very big plays on 3rd downs that Bill will be seething with. We might have to go into the November transfer market.

Sickener, would have loved to have seen the Patriots come away with the W. Don’t know what it is but they seem far more likable this year


I’m the same and I can pin it down for myself anyway. I never bought into the Brady hype and I like them now he’s gone

Brady has destroyed lives…

6 rings aint hype mate — it’s the truth.

Colourful Cam. Nothing to do with that other dose


Is Michel finished or what?