Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

If you are not a dual threat RB that can catch the ball in the league you wont see as many snaps. Thats the way the game has gone. Although it doesn’t help that Newton is taking most of the carries himself.

Dump him so.


Confirmed that Saquon has torn his ACL.

Huge loss, what a talent

This will happen now surely. He showed he could still get the job done in latter stages of last season.

Niners sign Ansah to 1 year 3m deal. In other news, the MRI truck breaks down and someone crashes into their plane.

Slight chance Jimmy G plays next week

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That doesn’t look good for Abrams :pleading_face:

Awful, only his 3rd game in 2 years

He’s grand

One up for @Watchyourtoes

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Carr needing an eternity to get the ball away. There was fuck all open on the last down in fairness though

Twas gone into 6s when I got on this evening

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Chance here now before the half

NFL fine teams hundreds of thousands of dollars for staff on the sideline not wearing masks. Perfectly fine though for dozens of players piled on top of each other with no masks. Through the looking glass.

Saints still have big issues on giving up silly penalties


Saints :rofl:

Jacobs gimped :man_facepalming:t2:

Fuckin rotten