Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

Titans had 2 more positive tests so their training facilities can’t reopen. Presume its highly unlikely their game goes ahead this week. Players haven’t trained in nearly 2 weeks now so expecting them to go straight into a game would hardly happen?

Would they have to start conceding games or how will the NFL handle it? Moving the Super Bowl and playoffs out has to be a real possibility now if they want all teams to play a full season.

They’ve been caught having unauthorized team gatherings. I’d say the NFL will go nuclear on them, talk that they might take multiple first round picks or even end their season and base AFC playoffs on winning percentage.

Wow, that would be some craic. It seems like the NFL head honchos have been asleep at the wheel in comparison to their NBA and NHL counterparts

Yeah, it’s been ropey enough in the last two weeks. I know its a much harder sport to manage given roster sizes, bubbling not really a runner, but even so, they’re dropping the ball.

Even stuff like the players congregating on the field after the game, I mean that’s such an obvious and easy thing to have zero tolerance on, yet you have Gilmore and Mahomes practically shifting the face off each other while having a chat on Monday night.

I saw some league office bootlickers, Albert Breer or someone like that, on twitter last week talking about how the NFL navigating through Covid and the social justice response this year would be Goodell’s Hall of Fame moment, what planet do these lads he living on. The owners were seriously considering getting rid of him a few years ago.

Kevin Clark is a tremendous nfl columnist and a tremendous follow on Twitter


Getting messy now.

Brady to Gronk could be a long night for the Chicago defense.

Gronk won’t be on the field that often

Brady outstanding as always. This co commentator is a bit much though

Thats a TD

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Troy Aikmen is such a fucking sop, Jone makes one of the catches of the year and shudda got the TD but no he made a fuck of it

Fucksake Foles.

Generous yard given to Tom

Is Patterson good? I still can’t decide

Oooft for young Vaughan

That was a beautiful hit

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Now we have a game.

A suicide pass from Tom

Serious paws