Super Bowl LVI - The intricate incline to Inglewood (Part 1)

You’ll need to get home from your high paying job and watch this with the sound on.

I got a few seconds away from the fryers to watch that. When you said rapist I thought he actually raped someone, my mistake I guess

MarShawn Lynch is daft as a brush

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Some great match-ups this week, literally every game could go either way

The Jets vs The Texans is the one the neutrals are really up for


The Patriots have a great chance of knocking off the Titans today. A huge injury list to their offensive players and the Patriots defence starting to heat up. A couple of weeks back it looked a much tougher proposition.


Bill had an extra few days to plan also having played on Thursday. They have the OL back to full health and it’s one of the best in the league…

You’d swear Patriots are underdogs!

Patriots are heavy favourites. :smiley:

The Patriots are finished.

The patriots have the best points differential in NFL. And lowest points conceded per game.

They’re my outside bet for Super Bowl


Bill has already won multiple Superbowls with a game-manager at quarterback.

Right and he’s found his new Donny Dink n Dunk.

Just got the mini bye from Thursday night, have the full bye to come. Have to play the Bills twice. If they win out from here they’re likely AFC #1 seed.

That’s a nice double header on Saturday the 18th of December

Who dat?

Raiders v Browns
Pats v Colts

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Judon is an animal

Some TD there by Dolphins

Zach Wilson.

Continuing the great NYJ tradition of absolute brain-dead QB play

Wilson, oh man :man_facepalming: