Super Bowl LVI - The intricate incline to Inglewood (Part 1)

Tomlins post game celebrations will in hindsight make Liam Sheedy blush.

Field goal here and Carr just takes a knee?

Heres the second FG…

If they have any brains.

Its good!!!


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Raiders need to offer the hand or in this case the knee, the Chargers will 100% do the same in return.

Raiders going for it.

Raiders will have a shot at the FG if they want… 2 mins left…

What a completely insane game. Kudos to the raiders if they win it for having the balls to go for it.

Take a knee FFS

Kick it wide be even better.

If they weren’t divisional rivals that clock runs out. Hopefully the Steelers get slapped next weekend!

That timeout was one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen


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So Herbert is out and Lawrence gets in then

What a day of football

Only if you think Bisaccia changed his strategy because the other team took a time out. They were running it on the next play and we’re going to take a TO to set up the FG, how does Staley’s timeout change that?

I’m wired after it.

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Who are the Raiders playing now? The Bengals! Bye :wave: