Super Bowl LVI - The intricate incline to Inglewood (Part 1)

It was a really stupid play. Lining up the kicking unit to try make late substitutions is asking for trouble. The refs have to let the defence sub, its not like anyone is unclear of that. I didnā€™t watch enough of it live to know whether all the flags were legit or not, but that play call was dumb

Edit, think Iā€™m talking about a different play actually than the one you mention at the end

Sounds like a different play. Watch the last play of the game. Itā€™s Auntieā€™s Sporting Bloomers material.


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yeah I turned off when the niners converted the third down with about a minute left, 1 am and it was 3.30am the night before so was fading badly! didnt realise it was turned over. Just watched it back there. A farce alright.

The play I mentioned was the 4th down punt conversion and subsequent pricking about that cost them a delay of game.


I donā€™t know how you could sleep after watching the Cowboysā€¦ I was laughing for hours afterwards.

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Gracious as ever from the Cowboys

What an absolute clown. Anything to shift the blame from their own shit show. Theyā€™re just not a good team.

I think they are a poorly coached/sloppy team. No real difference to what they were under Garrett or what Green Bay were for the last five years or so under Mike McCarthy. The individual talent is there.

Kellen Moore appears to have a huge reputation based off very little.


They lost a one score game tbf, even if the Niners should have had the game locked up. They have a lot of the pieces, but they are so hit and miss as to when they put it together. The endless flags are another part of it.


I think they got a huge break with Bosa going off, they had only 7 points on the board deep into the ,3rd quarter. But their discipline did indeed kill them. McCarthy probably gets 1 more year at it

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They were getting smashed, it would have been a massacre.

Dak showed some elite level ability in !4 but heā€™d left it too late and his team had let him down.

The Chiefs v Bills should be juicy.

iā€™d love to see the bills do it

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From whatā€™s left, Bills or Bengals would be a good story. Bills probably get the neutral support. The Bills v Niners be a great final.

love it GIF

Right shoulder sprain for Jimmy Gā€¦

The pretty boy is an absolute warrior. Incurred the injury in the second quarter.

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Talk to me @Thomas_Brady @Lazarus . Iā€™m thing
Beckham anytime and 300 yards for stafford

Expected to practice Wednesday, Bosa in concussion protocol, Warner has a low ankle sprain but Shanahan expects both to play Saturday.

Betting is evil.