Super Bowl LVI - The intricate incline to Inglewood (Part 1)

Mayock getting the boot from the Raiders.

OBJ’s first ever playoff TD

His toe looked out there

Someone needs to tell Kyler this is the playoffs

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Red rover

Great to see the real ODB again

Dumb Rams

Looked like he got across there, but don’t know if it’s “clear and obvious”

The rams end zone paint is so fucking annoying

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What a disgrace

Murray is all over the shop

Now that’s a punt

The rams punt it to the one yard line of the cardinals, this is gonna be a huge blowout if Murray doesn’t get the finger out quick

Thats a catch

I don’t think so

McVeigh making a holy show of himself tonight

Ball control and forward movement

This is an outrage

You’re not getting much right tonight Laz


Think he might come out in the 2nd half head to toe in Rams gear.