Super Bowl LVI - The intricate incline to Inglewood (Part 2)

Not having it. Kupp was moving left as he threw and he just landed it where he was supposed to arrive

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I donā€™t think you understand. Staffordā€™s eyes made Bell jump - great angle in that video btw. If Stafford progressed on to Kuppā€™s route, Bell doesnā€™t jump and is in a position to pick him off.

Iā€™d say Ratana is good craic. Fair play to him for taking the Sean BĆ n moniker.


Gets better with every watch. Having thrown 2 picks already, incredible cojones from Stafford with the game on the line. One of the all time great Super Bowl plays.


The hopping from Vonn Bell there. There was a moment he was thinking ā€œIā€™ve got the bastard hereā€ and then when he plants the foot ā€œOh fuck,oh fuckā€¦ā€. Brilliant.


Even with the no look and getting Bell to bite, the window is fairly small.

His fourth quarter stats from the four play off games are some read.



The Cincinnati Miracle that never was. All Burrow needed was a second more.

Was just about to post the same. Game of milliseconds

The 3 linemen there giving great protection for the ref, all the while looking at Burrow getting cleaned our and another 2 Rams lads about to pile in.

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what play is this? when in the game?

the last 4th and 1. The freeze frame is from the end of the play when Donald is after spinning Burrow around 360, hence why the linemen look like they are on a tea break

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Oh thatā€™s not a good look

@Big_Dan_Campbell Will find a positive angle in that surely, paying for her treatment is irrelevant mind you as it is just a feeble attempt to save face.

Fucks sakes


On the other side of the ledger, lots of fourth quarter comebacks. :man_shrugging:

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A gofundme for her reached 50k and then the offer for the medical bills paid came in.

Horrible look. He was probably pissed, but even so, just walks away and a woman ends up with a fractured spine


Whereā€™s the rumour of Brady coming back coming from?

Youā€™re the first I saw mention it