Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

This is a disastrous divisional loss for the Fins

the bearsā€¦ :rofl: :rofl:

that is awful from the receiver

Ah lads what a fucking bullshit call to save Brady there, disgusting.


What a disgrace

Shit like that would genuinely have you believe there is fixing at play.

The jags cant beat Houstonā€¦ Every year they are favourites

Brady is a bum

the Chargersā€¦ what the absolute fuck was that

Welcome to the NFL Ken Walker III

Sack that kicker

Go jets

Redskins get a mention from co comm and the commentator has a shit attack :joy:




Itā€™s the Seahawks

i donā€™t understand pass interference, you can swing out of fellas sometimes and then other times you touch them and itā€™s DPI

Wentz is so shit.

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Wentz is some clown

You could sense a pick before he would throw a TD there

Tevin Coleman is back!

it looked like he was trying to throw an INT, he went to throw one dead but almost hit a titan in 20 yards of space

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