Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

And thereā€™s the Kirk we know andā€¦ Ya know

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And the lazarus tips we all love

You wonā€™t be so chirpy when Aaron Rogers comes trick or treating later on

Not that they needed it but nice of Big Dan to instill a real loser mentality into Detroit

@Raylan has gone very quiet


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About what?

Donā€™t worry I fixed Gamepass to cheer you up. Working fine now

PJ Walker welcome to the top 10


Moore :eek:


Extra point MISSED

Gent :ok_hand:t2:

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Jets have lost to the scum. Night ruined


Dumb from Mariota

Heā€™s missed another one to win the game

He was having a really good season until tonight

Stafford finally figures it out

The zebras you mean

You were told Wednesday that theyā€™d lose :person_shrugging:t2: