Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Man, man, man, man

He must be as thick as a bottle of pigshit

Running Fournette, the line judge might as well just add the down and keep the yardage the same. Runs more like a full back at the moment.


He cant run and the receivers cant catch. Pitiful.

You’re only copping that now. @Lazarus is the best barkeep on the board but don’t back any of his tips

Another drop … Awful shite

Evans :smile:

Game on in Arizona.

Kingsbury has to go. 3 years of penalties and it’s only getting worse

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Brady looks miserable.

Major milestone for Tom coming up here. 3 off 100k yards

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Tom is only throwing to the white guys from here on in.

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Small white guys predominantly

Oh my

Another drop… Fucking hell

Useless cracka

Two of em. That last one should have been held also

This should be meat and drink to Brady

Its on

Brady on autopilot

He couldn’t

Could he