Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Huge 3rd down for Goff

Swift :rollseyes:

Lions have fucked this

Think so too.

Chark the ham never looked up

A miracle kick!

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Looked wide until very late

Indoor wind is savage

Bills FG incoming

Nothing really, just enjoying it

That ball shouldn’t be getting to Diggs straight up middle like that

Just about Tyler.


Whatever about Allen throwing picks he is a gutsy fucker.
He’ll get a massive hit running it sooner or later though

Really good game, Detroit are going the right way, Allen clearly not at 100% but he’s ballsy

another gutsy victory led by josh.

great game and tough break @Big_Dan_Campbell

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Keeping score of opposition down now seems a real problem.

Allen & Diggs are unrale

Lions really perform at home… probably could have managed the clock better on that last drive


Another gutsy loss. Team is trending in the right direction but still seriously lacking talent. But looking at the NFC North both the Vikings and Packets are heading to rebuild in the next couple of seasons and the Lions have had two very solid draft classes back to back - 5 picks in the first 3 rounds this year with probably a top 5 puck from the Rams and some money to spend in FA things are looking up.

If they had won today a play off run was on given the schedule for the last 6 games.

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I do like that Giants jersey

Is my IPTV so far behind or should this not have started already?