Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona


They might be better snapping it to CMC a few times. He can throw it to.

Was it Josh Johnson that used be known as the Clipboard Jesus?

Shanahan needs to dig deep into that playbook.

Eagles haven’t exactly lit it up on offence either

Maybe before he goes into his playbook he could get someone to fucking block Reddick

Great play by Bosa

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A pity these 2 teams can’t put on a better shown for Flotus

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Bosa :muscle::clap:

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False start missed there.

Eagles will shit the course here.

The longer this goes on the greater the piss stains will be

Just as well Hurts is such a strong boy or that was a safety.

Defense playing incredible given the madness so far.


Hurts shit play has kept Niners in this

The playoffs have been a poor product this year

Eagles offense are eating shit since their first drive. Bosa cooking again now.

cc @Fran

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Hurts has been way off. Overthrowing everything

Lots of guys here obviously don’t appreciate good D-FENCE


I want TD’s by the bucket load.

If the 9ers can stop their offence from losing it for them then the defence and special teams could win it for them.

Run it often with CMC & Deebo