Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Ruh Roh

How many times outs had Shanahan left?

Absolutely awful

JJ can actually throw the ball. He just cant catch a snap

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Idiot :man_facepalming:t2:

Purdy with one arm

He’s good though, knows his stuff on both sides of the ball

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Josh Johnson is a pussy

They’ll inject him full of the good stuff for the second half

After seeing out a catastrophic 1st Quarter to do this is fucking shameful

He was a guaranteed 15 points a week in FF even on a bad day

Horrible way for the season to end.

Ave ittt

A surgical attack


Niners all over the place on D.

After Q1 Niners were unlucky
After Q2 Niners only have themselves to blame

The eagles should go onside kick. The 9ers are so bad they wouldn’t recover it.

Ah stop ffs they have a journey man at QB.

pull yourself together