Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

TAOE again……

cc @Fran

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Brock Purdy is Mr Irrelevant

9ers are like Armagh v galway

Niners are a joke. You can have all the splash player you like in all aspects of the game but if you dont take the QB position seriously you are eternally doomed.


Go on, I’ll humour you, you telpis. What are you trying to say ?

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Hon Trent

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cc @Fran


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Ejection time

Love it

Mouthy cunts dead right.

Scummy Eagles throwing punches

The Armagh-sisco 49ers


Lovely chokeslam there

Eagles winning the game and the fights. Niners sent back da fuck

Niners have truly disgraced themselves tonight


Its kind of funny that the 9ers in an effort to win the superbowl while the window is open, in the face of QBs who cant stay healthy, will probably revert to a 46 year old QB in Brady who can stay healthy to get them over the line.

Can you decipher this simpletons nonsense, Fran?

Classless like their supporters, especially on here