Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Sky for me too.

Best of luck to everyone involved with both teams.

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I’m on Sky. Going to throw my lot in with the Philadelphia Eagles.

Fitzmagic it is

Chiefs, Overs, Hurts +10.5 rushes


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I’m in tears here

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I’m not crying, you are!!!

Fuck the US war machine

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Siriani blubbing like an old biddy. Advantage Chiefs


Who was that chap singing our anthem? I’ve never heard of the 8-time Grammy award winner.

The stadium seems to be mainly Eagles.

Phoebe cc @Batigol

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I’m crying here

He looks like a bit of a prick

124 I made it. Fuck tv networks

Everyone breathes a sigh of relief one of them bleeding wimmin pilots didn’t make a balls of that

I hope Kelce didn’t expend too much energy on the national anthem, he might be emotionally drained after that

They still have to land

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His name was Stapleton. Sounds like a Tipperary native

They can never handle parking

Shane Stapleton wouldn’t criticise him anyway