Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Double swear on Fox in 2 mins.

Great bunch of lads, the Kansassians

Catch you all next January if we make the play-offs, lads.

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Itā€™s like i had a time machine :clap::clap::clap:
Iā€™ll be a serious loss to the forum

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You mad bro? Huh? None of your bets come off so you lashing out?

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Are you following me around now? :rofl:

No. Iā€™m replying to the post you aimed at me ā€¦ thatā€™s kinda how a forum works mateā€¦ just an fyi.

Hereā€™s another fyi

Donā€™t hate the playa bro, hate the game.

Hope you have a lovely flight to the Seychelles with your squillions pal.

The neediness is off the charts

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If you were any way a decent human youā€™d stand back and appreciate the schooling youā€™ve been given and take notes.

People moaning every year about the owner taking trophy is up there with the annual Six Nations moan about Irelandā€™s Call.

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You love the oval ball

Chairman and CEO Timmy Tinyballs front and centre post-game.

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Give up the gambling Mousey

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Cringe alert :woozy_face:

Who? I donā€™t watch the NFL so no idea ā€¦

Buff Egan had some insightful analysis of the game last night

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:face_vomiting: awful


That was a tough watch

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