Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Taxi for Tua

Noodle arm. Bridgwater will be starter there before thanksgiving


Ah lads


Hats off for the minute silence lads

Bury the cunt ffs


Ah jaysus

are you taking the fucking piss.

this bitch is dead a month is she?

This is some fucking shite. The cunts are absolutely deluded

Madrid derby on Premier for anyone not bothered about the minute

What US station is redzone on?

That is shocking shit

Alright well that was very powerful.

It’s sponsored by Amazon so maybe there?

The lads stopping drinking their pints :joy::joy::joy:

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they were all actors

They didn’t even stand up

Isn’t it customary to stand for a minute’s silence? The Welsh cunts were stuck to their holes.