Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

This is getting silly now

Id have made that pass myself :rofl:

Allen is a bit of a prick.


Allen is dispickable

Something unlikeable there I blame Brady for the whingy QBs in the league now.

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That was shameful from Allen. He’s not a real football guy just like his hero Tom

Both defences fairly flying around now

Allen cooking now

Blatant holding there and no flag

Titans getting rode. Narrative is Josh Allen is the crown prince elect of the NFL

Ken Dorsey is some playcaller

Fuck that looked rough

That looked bad

Who went down? I switched to other game

Cart ditched, ambulance on the field

One of the Bills safeteys, friendly fire. They’ve said fa since. Looking like a bad neck injury


Dane Jackson

His head and neck bent backwards, hope he’s alright