Super Bowl LVIII - Viva Las Vegas 🐐

What’s that now, 5?

From day one just the way he carried himself and his lack of poise I was never convinced.
He was destroyed last year by having a defensive coordinator in charge of offensive.
This year he is woeful. Doesn’t read the field and doesn’t see coverage. Teams have restricted him to 0, 3 and 6 points. That’s abysmal.

4 NFL, 1 NCAA, 1 NHL, 1 NBA, 1 High-school. Manic week


Some bit of work in that itinerary!

Big birthday present or full midlife crisis?

Thats what I’d like to know

More of a fuck it, just go fucking do it.


Was it a hard sell to the missus?

Dobbs doing serious work for minnesota. Does captain kirk have a job to return to?

There is a spot waiting for him in Atlanta

He’ll be found out soon libbing at the moment. When there is enough tape he might struggle. Ran out of road in AZ.

Cards were the worst team in the league, he did great there in fairness.
Not even sure his game could be negated much by tape, he’s playing playground football

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You don’t think he brought her with him :joy:


Kirk is a free agent come the off-season. Billies didnt want him back as he is on big money. They might bring him back on a team friendly deal next year given the injury and draft a rookie to sit for the year. Would be kind of a win win for both

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Nah, shes good. Ill be home in a few days and sure I’m sure I’ll hear all about the shit i missed when i fucked off. All good.


Fair play.

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You might share the trade secret there buddy. I havent told herself I’m going skiing in January yet.

Jesus, im having a hard enough time to get to buffalo for a game for my 50th

Passtronaut :smiley:

I’ll annoy you with tomorrow nights update so…