Super Bowl LVIII - Viva Las Vegas ๐Ÿ

This is great.

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Iโ€™m beginning to fear for the Jets play-off charge here

Fuck @artfoley and fuck the Billsโ€ฆ


Turnover #2 for the Bills offence

Josh Allen is a dumb dumb

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James Cook a lucky lucky boy on this drive. Plenty time left for Russell if he can do something

Just throw it up into the lights and get your flag. Easy game

12 men :man_facepalming:t2:

God help @artfoleyโ€™s dog

Thankfully the Bills are keeping us in it

Have the Bills missed their window? McDermott will start coming under pressure

Were done for the season AFAICS. Josh wont be given the time he needs to fix his throwing arm and the D has been gutted by injuries. Not all of this falls at mcdermotts dpor but theres been glaring issues that hes failed to address throughout his time at one bills drive

to be honest, the season is gone, barring a miracle clean slate of wins for the remaining 6 games. throwing dorsey under a bus isnt going to fix joshโ€™s throwing arm nor is it going to protect coach mcdermott from very hard questions at the end of the season. were going backwards very quickly

Do the decent thing Sunday and let the team in the AFC East that could actually make a stab at the playoff, especially with Godgers returning, take the W

Id love to help you out buddy but you ruined our season opener

Bills have a tough schedule but I expect them to make the playoffs,
Theyโ€™re talented enough to go very far,

This will be a great watch - he is an intense character

This has the hall marks off a classic.

The ravens are absolutely ravenous tonight.

Andrews a huge loss. Ravens offence not the same since he went off