Super Bowl LVIII - Viva Las Vegas 🐐

Fucking Pats scum

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Giants send Boring Bill back to Boston with his tae in his mug cc @StoneCold


Bill is yesterday’s man

Tommy Devito just got Bill the sack. The Boston blowhards on here gone very quiet all of a sudden

CJ has some learning to do yet
Bryce Young on the other hand is the very definition of a bust

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Spanks the bar from 58 yards

Right down the middle. Almost the perfect kick

He’s so relaxed. When he gets it right it looks so graceful but he’s just too slow to release, especially given that he maybe has the worst O line in the league, after the Jets. There’s no-one else in the league who looks that relaxed and graceful, maybe there’s a reason for that.

Edit: I mean Byrce Young

What a drop by the Bills there

There is life in the old dog yet. Big turnaround from the Broncos lately

Lapsed poster @croppy_boy will be sorry he didn’t stand by his team

I’m sure he will deny he ever disowned them when he comes back

Texans are at least mid table as an offensive line, he hasn’t seen savage pressure yet

Chiefs absolutely gashed there by jacobs

Jacobs is some man for a home run. Chiefs look to be bottoming out. They were relying on a stellar defense. They have been getting gashed by a rookie here.

I meant Bryce Young sorry

The Eagles have been a shambles every which way in the first half. Getting regular reprieves from the officials but still giving up a load of third down completions & then turning over the ball on the other side. 17-7 down but receiving the ball first after half time.

Three & out to start the second half. This new offensive coordinator is incurring the wrath of the notoriously patient home support. A wide receiver screen on 3rd & 14 was easily defended.

You forgot that shakir muffed the punt reception and still got up and added 9 yards before being tackled

Phenomenal athleticism from the Broncos