
Dismissive. And clearly wrong.

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I don’t think it is dismissive, I agreed with him on warning signs. It’s not possible to signal exactly where a rip current is on a beach as they move.

This is one your weirder takes.

A good pal of mine won the Liffey swim at the weekend - he’s an animal


Ah lovely, a great day out, got the after party vibe in Mulligans last Saturday. My 15 minutes claim to fame is I won a team Liffey nearly 40 years ago, i always meet an old club mate or 2 in Mulligans as im often in dublin for the event, as a brother swims it for the past few years. I need to get off my lazy hole and do it again really


Summer is not gone yet lads. Juhy junior is off ball injured and the little lady was free so we hit the beach this evening.
The finest of swims


Vico this afternoon. Must be the most spectacular swim in Dublin. There was a dolphin there as well. The water temperature is beautiful.


Would you ever see Bono swimming there?

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I never have myself. It’s possible he works different hours to me.

Had a lovely dip this morning in the Guillomene. Forecast is good for the week so could be getting in a bit more. I don’t usually swim this late in the year.