Sydney's a shithole

Been in Sydney about 5 days. Shithole. My mates are workin so I’ve been bored. Today’s Friday so we went out and got pissed. Got kicked out of 2 establishments which is twice as many as I’ve been kicked out of in my life. Think I’ll just head home to Ireland. Had a go at both sets of bouncers but nothing doing. Absolute cunts and a shit country. These are the same pricks who voted for keeping a governor-general. Idiots,

What were you kicked out for?

once again I find myself agreeing with Clarkey

didnt like sydey when I lived over there - weather probably isnt great there at the moment & people from NSW are pricks

never been to melbourne but its meant to be a great city

Brisbane is a much frendlier & relax city clarkey - head up there & then up the coast

Intoxication. Bollocks.

Fair enough I was pissed but chatting with the pricks who kicked me out they were like you’re a danger to yourself and others. Which was utter bollocks. Cunts. Crap city.

[quote=“ClarkeyCat”]Intoxication. Bollocks.

Fair enough I was pissed but chatting with the pricks who kicked me out they were like you’re a danger to yourself and others. Which was utter bollocks. Cunts. Crap city.[/quote]

they are stricter on that kind of shit there as many bars have been sued if a person leaves the bar & causes an incident

still- its a dump

[quote=“north county corncrake”]once again I find myself agreeing with Clarkey

didnt like sydey when I lived over there - weather probably isnt great there at the moment & people from NSW are pricks

never been to melbourne but its meant to be a great city

Brisbane is a much frendlier & relax city clarkey - head up there & then up the coast[/quote]

Aye, weather’s shite. Hear Brisbane is good. My cousin lives there and recently added me oldest mate (we were pals when we were 6) on facebook only to discover that he lives in Brisbane now.

head up there - stop off in byron bay & nimben ,surfers paradise - spend a while there then hit fraser island,the whitsundays & the barrier reef at cairns - you will enjoy it much more & the weather is a lot sunnier/hotter & people a lot friendlier

[quote=“north county corncrake”]they are stricter on that kind of shit there as many bars have been sued if a person leaves the bar & causes an incident

still- its a dump[/quote]

They explained that to me. But fuck I’ve been far more locked. Basically my mistake was heading off to find a dance floor. There wasn’t one. So I just started dancing. And next minute 3 bouncers were on top of me. I took about 10 people with me and spent a while belittling thrm outside but still I couldn’t belive it.

Lashed out my CV today but fuck that, I’m headin on.

[quote=“ClarkeyCat”]They explained that to me. But fuck I’ve been far more locked. Basically my mistake was heading off to find a dance floor. There wasn’t one. So I just started dancing. And next minute 3 bouncers were on top of me. I took about 10 people with me and spent a while belittling thrm outside but still I couldn’t belive it.

Lashed out my CV today but fuck that, I’m headin on.[/quote]

you should defo give melbourne or brisbane a try before you leave Oz

have you hit kings cross or oxford st yet

some amount of nuts floating around there

I hear the Lebanese have that country fcuked.

[FONT=Verdana]Jaysus and I was under the impression the Aussies liked their gargle. That’s nonsense of the higher order. You can’t have been that locked if you managed to converse with them in a friendly albeit demeaning manner<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif[/FONT]

That’s a genius post. The simplicity of it, fantastic.

wouldnt go that far but the lebanese arent popular with a good proportion of white australians

Yeah, running joke of the night was “ah yeah they’re awful chilled out here.” They’re not. They’re cocks. Did my utmost to make them start on me tongiht cos I felt like a fight but other than a couple of shoves I got nothin. I HATE Sydney.

A few mates got bet up by a few Lebos while working out there. They might by biased. Without generalising, they found them quite dour as a people, and quick with their fists.

thats typical of people from NSW m afraid

there is definitely an anti lebanese feeling among many australians as well as an anti muslim feeling - remember the riots a few years back?

…and clearly an anti-gargle feeling too.

I seem to recall something about riots over there alright.

Nice one for the heads up on this place Clarkey. I won’t be having that on my list of places to visit anytime soon after hearing this report.

lived there for two years back in the late 90s savage craic that time,mind you werent that many irish there that time,proably fed up with them now the noveltys worn off,u should head off over to perth its fukin beautiful great weather hear theres plenty a work over there too,give it time theres not much to go back to in ireland