Tailteann Cup - The new Tommy Murphy

Jack O Connor is a great bit of stuff

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C-Lav may need to walk if they don’t get this over the line

There’s a possibility Colm O’Rourke is no mug.

The Jacks are winning this for Mayth.

This is hilariously bad from Down

Is genie still out there?

The Meath Ivan Drago’s are monstering the lil Down fellas

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Three unreal points from Meath this half

NBA want Gray

Havern is the only level-headed fella there for Down

Meath giving an exhibition of distance kicking here :eek:

Down are finished

Yer man Jordan Morris is actually skilful but he’s absolutely shit his pants today (bar that one outside of the foot first half point). But you leave those kind of players on the pitch because he might just score a really important one.

That’s no free :rollseyes:

Or you take him off.

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Pathetic dive there from Ryan Johnson there

Meath might have finally found a keeper here….

More comedy

That was like a passage from an underage match


Down are so toothless you can’t help but laugh

That Meath number 2 again, I’ve flagged him twice here