Taxi Drivers


Ah lads. We’re fucked.

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Uber is a great yoke in London. You get absolutely gouged by the proper taxis there.

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Presumably in the unlikely event that Uber lose their appeal a ride sharing company with a better operating model will step in.

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Is Lyft in London yet?

It’s there but was shite the last time I was over.

It’s actually quite nice if you’re a regular traveller abroad playing all of the companies off one another. I won’t travel to the US for a couple of months and Lyft’s systems will crap itself that I’m off using Uber instead so they give me lots of discounts.

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This is a frankly scandalous decision. London cabbies are a pack of cockney wankers by and large, and Google maps has made them unnecessary with their we kniw every road in lahndan shite. Them getting off the ulez charge was and is fucking ridiculous when they are by far the worst offenders. You can see their grubby little east end mitts all over this.

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What about the fact that sex offenders or anyone can rock up and start driving an Uber and so it’s unsafe?

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The biggest sexual predator and serial rapist in the past three decades in London was a black taxi driver.

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That answers that so I suppose?

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Disgraceful comment. Mentioning his race adds nothing to the debate.


I was expecting this blatant response, but wasn’t expecting it from your good self. I contemplated briefly re-phrasing, but decided I couldn’t be bothered, and that it might bring a little pleasure to the simple minded among us.

Allow me mate - you’re a racist cunt.

Tom Tuite

A Dublin taxi driver who stole thousands of euro from passengers after taking their bank cards has failed in a legal bid to get his public service vehicle licence restored.

Patrick Lyons (45, above) of Ventry Road, Cabra, was convicted earlier this month of stealing approximately €4,300 from passengers and given a 2½ year suspended sentence.

He had lodged an appeal against the revocation of his taxi licence by the Garda Carriage Office, which came before Dublin District Court yesterday.

Lyons told the hearing he had been blamed after a botched drug deal and had to pay up. He said he was heavily abusing cocaine and alcohol at the time.

At times on the verge of tears, he begged Judge Michael Coghlan for another chance, insisting he had changed. “I should not have done what I done, I know that”,” he said.

Refusing the application, Judge Coghlan said a taxi licence was privilege not a right. The public would be placed in danger given Lyons’s background and his friendship with “undesirable elements”, he ruled.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug

In a taxi there earlier being driven by one of those Dublin character taxi drivers. He went on numerous rants about women drivers, mostly, baby seats, Range Rovers, SUVs and the introduction of non ICE vehicles.


Any taxi journey where the driver stays awake and I walk away unscathed is a good one for me.


What’s a non ice vehicle?