Taxi Drivers


In another driver behaviour case, a customer complained in December that a taxi driver told the passenger not to talk to him as “he had a long night” and “to leave him alone”. The NTA issued the driver with a caution.

You’d want to be some prick to complain over that in fairness, and I’m no fan of taxi drivers in general.


You’d imagine the conversation would usually be the other way around.

“The nigerians have this industry ruined”
Eh ya that’s great mate, could you turn on the radio or something

Or in the actual case, it was more than likely some drunk cunt looking to enagage the taxi driver in conversation on some random topic while being pissed out of their skull.

I’d pay extra for silence in the cab if an option sometimes


Is it not time to limit Taxis to exclusively driving EVs or at worst hybrids? 75% of them driving around the city are diesel guzzling Skodas or Toyotas. Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


The same diesel-guzzlers the Greens pushed everyone towards last time they were given a say?


Yes, precisely. They must not have known how uneconomical Diesel engines are in an urban environment.

There is an amount of Prius taxis on the go tbf. Taxi-drivers will change wholesale as soon as it makes sense, they’re hardly emotionally tied to diesel.

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Eben the hackney’s in manc are rapidly becoming hybrid.


If the charging infrastructure was there Taxis would change in a flash as they would be reducing their biggest overhead. I’d hazard a guess that 90% of new taxi cars are a hybrid at a minimum.

They should be forced to purchase hybrid now. You’d barely be using the motor driving around Dublin

Aren’t lots of taxis on the go 24/7?

How would they get a chance to charge them?

Gerard doesn’t look the type.

The fucking bastard.

I was in Dublin 2 earlier to meet a pal. What’s the story with the taxi drivers on Upper Mount Street. Is it a holding area for them or was there a protest.

Must have been 60 or more cars lined up.

Ah your fine


What the fucking fuck