
Your very ill informed comments up above would not endear you to said teachers and snas who have worked their bollocks off since 12th March.

Myself and my wife are caring for a 9 year old son with non verbal autsim 24/7 for the last 14 weeks with zero help or support from the State and we’re also trying to provide his schooling. My livelihood has ground to a halt over the past three months and my wife is working reduced hours.

I’ve been told by his school principal this morning that July provision in his school is very much up in the air as they are struggling to get teachers and SNA’s in to carry out the programme. Probably exhausted from working their bollox off at home for the past three months (on full pay)

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Are you claiming they were not working since 12 March?

I can empathise with your plight but your anger should be directed at the government and not teachers/snas. You will not find stronger advocates for kids with specific learning difficulties than the latter.


I’m relaying what I was told by the school principal this morning. Teachers and SNA’s have expressed a reluctance to work in July and deliver the July provision programme. It’s looking very ropey for the Programme to go ahead in the school.

Are you retracting statement that teachers were not working on full pay for last 14 weeks?

What contact had you with sna that was assigned to your child?

If that sna was unable to fulfill duties since 12th march, I don’t see why principal cannot communicate an expectation that they are available in july. However, sna may have family situation themselves that does not make that possible. Onus is on dept to provide solutions.

You cannot be angry at teachers who have worked diligently since 12 march because they are not volunteering to give up month of july. They deserve a break aswell.

I genuinely feel for you but its the dept who are at fault here.


Perfect example of what I was talking about earlier in the week. I’m agreeing with @fenwaypark here @ChairmanDan, I do feel for your situation and you have every right to be frustrated. This whole thing has been botched spectacularly by the department. Joe McHugh should be the focus of your ire. Teachers and SNAs are all doing their best given the situation.


Teachers and the public sector at large have been cosseted on full pay for the last three months while private sector workers have borne the brunt of the economic pain. We’re hearing non-stop for the past three months about how we’re all in this together and have had to make sacrifices.

Time for those who’ve been sitting at home on full pay for the last three months to step up to the plate, or else be told they have to step up to the plate.

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Public vs private sector rant. No thanks. All the best to you and your family.


I’ve said this before but the Dept of Education have by far been the worst performing dept since this crisis began.


Are you a teacher?


In fairness many genuine teachers have been teaching via zoom and Microsoft Teams.


The Department of Education and the Teaching Council are the worst shower of cunts you will ever have the misfortune of dealing with.
The teaching council will probably put out a statement on a Friday evening at half 4 as per usual.


The majority have been doing the best they can giving resources available. You will always get a minority that will do next to nothing, but that occurs across all sectors.

I can honestly say that I never worked as hard since we went remote.

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And many teachers had to do this while caring for their own families. Heroes without capes but as the lad says, eaten bread is soon forgotten.

Where else do you expect them to sit?

I have sympathy for leaving cert teachers this term. Covid has put them under a lot of pressure. Very high pressure put on them.

I don’t want to get drawn into any debate here as it’ll just go down the usual route of score settling.
Just from my own perspective, I’d be happy to volunteer but it would need to be a bit flexible, I’m home alone with the kids most days, I can leave the 13 year old in charge for an hour here and there but not all day, that’s my situation and I’m sure I’m not alone. I’m content in my own head that I’ve done all I can in this situation, the hours haven’t been as long most days but it’s a different world and not one I was prepared for, anyway without going into specifics I’m happy enough with my contribution. As I said I’ve had a busy schedule with parenting as well and running 10ks.

I haven’t heard anything @ChairmanDan, what format would this July provision take, is it more akin to a summer camp? I’ve done it every year I’ve been teaching but it was always one to one stuff

I’d say we can cut Dan a bit of slack here. He’s got a pretty tough station at the moment. Good luck @ChairmanDan. You still in Waterford?


I’ve never heard of a teacher with kids doing July provision. Usually younger teachers without permanent jobs etc