Just saw a report on the news about young teachers, the sense of entitlement of one of them was unbelievable. Complaining about starting out on 32k in a country with over 14% on the dole. Same guy said that teaching is a dying profession, which is a very stupid statement. Don’t know why it’s the case, but more than any other public servants the teachers are irritating and out of touch with the real world.
I concur…
Always fuckin whining…
Sounded like a whiny bunch of fuckers alright.
Some girl claimed she earned “far more working in retail”
I salute our young teachers. Their pay and conditions have been drastically cut back and they have to put up with a large army of misinformed simpletons spouting sub-Sindo standard propaganda against them, more than any other section of the workforce has to put up with.
[quote=“Sidney, post: 715763”]
I salute our young teachers. Their pay and conditions have been drastically cut back and they have to put up with a large army of misinformed simpletons spouting sub-Sindo standard propaganda against them, more than any other section of the workforce has to put up with.
Any country with an eye on the future would make sure that it’s teachers are well remunerated.
An assault on the education sector is a sign of a sick society. Any civilized nation values its educators.
…from the unsustainable levels they had bloated to thanks to Bertie. Tough going alright for a 22 year old to come out from 4 years drinking in Mary I and then have to get by on €32k a year. The cunts don’t know they were born.
what’s that got to do with anything?
It’s a saying to reiterate my point my Israeli friend. Heading to Ashkelon in November-any tips?
Hear, hear. Whinge, whinge.
“I have had eight weeks off over the summer and now i have to go back to work in September. My next holidays won’t be until October when i get a week off for halloween. Pity me.”
Fuck off.
The Sindo has had “the teachers” on the front page throughout the summer with nothing stories but they’re clearly influencing general perceptions out there. Why the fuck wouldn’t a teacher earn a reasonable living? It’s not the type of job where you can pay someone crap at the start until they get promoted.
Starting to see why you’re top dog around here now mate. They’ve a fair oul slog of about 6 weeks then until they get another month off for Crimbo.
I find that internet threads about teachers in Ireland are usually a handy way of evaluating whether a poster is a reasonably intelligent human or, perhaps, not so much.
The thing that is pissing me off about the teachers is how the unions have made safe the salaries and pensions of current teachers and so the government is slashing the pay and entitlements of new teachers. Instead of an equal share of the burden the unions have sold out younger and future teachers to protect current pay levels of older teachers.
i. - what point exactly is it that you are making regarding teachers then?
ii - take out a decent travel insurance policy, no one in their right mind would want to go to Ashkelon, i presume it is not a business trip, as most companies are no longer ensured to put their employees up down there, Ashekelon is a hell hole
[quote=“Watch The Break, post: 715765”]
An assault on the education sector is a sign of a sick society. Any civilized nation values its educators.[/quote]
+1. Doesn’t Ireland have one of the lowest levels of spending on education in the developed world?
Teaching is a tough job IMO. Yes there is long holidays but in between you have to deal with lots of whiny little fuckers and their whiny parents. There is also virtually no recognition for being outstanding at your job.
Yeah i find that as well.
Not a real job.
Is that true?
Agreed teaching is a tough job but there is lots of tough jobs out there for similar money who do 9 hour days and 4 weeks holidays.
i don’t agree with cutting peoples wages but i would advocate increasing their hours for the money they currently get.