
Well herself wanted to. I’d still like him to go there but I couldn’t bear sending him off now it boils down to it. Current plan is uni, ideally Galway/Limerick, and home then.

Yes he’ll need a degree from a proper uni on the mainland if he goes to Galway or Limerick.


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Amateur hour. Are there no proper journalists left who check facts.

A few of the shrieking marys on here could do with deleting a few posts

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Sure they won’t be held to account. Instead of looking at the obvious facts (all schools have a uniform policy and teenagers like to break it) but go straight for the sensational headline and assumptions. With the current zigioust of men are evil sex predators it was a perfect storm.

I like that a lot, I’m putting it along with ‘bigly’

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It’ll be swept under the carpet, it’s uncomfortable and doesn’t suit the majority to row back on a sensationalist story that feeds the snowflake social media brigade. I hope that the school sues the absolute bollix out of anyone reported anything false about this story


@Gman has yet to issue a statement

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A bigger problem is you cannot call them out for bullshit as you are a misogynistic pig. Dotn get me wrong, is there sexual violence in ireland yes, is there misogynistic cunts here yes, we all know some deplorable fellas and what they get up to and its not acceptable but the blanket statement like irish society is misogynistic and every man is in the same bucket is untrue. A majority of men in this country are against all of the above

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If anyone wants to consult the voice of authority and reason on any other matters I’m happy to help


We’re better than the French.

Its hilarious. Now certain people are taking as gospel what the principal is saying, but not the students or teachers. Either way, its a complete clusterfuck and I have little interest in the new angle on this here.

@Gman refuses to concede, on the grounds that “Either way, its a complete clusterfuck”


The original “journalist” (hack) deleted every allegation.
If you or I showed a similar level of frankly criminal negligence, we’d be fired.
Tell me, do you, or did you genuinely believe it remotely likely that the head of a school would say that tight leggings on underage girls were distracting male teachers? Really?


She has to go

Maybe he was just talking about PE teachers

All I can go on is what a teacher in the school said. I’d have no reason not to believe them. And this was said to me last Friday, long before the hacks broke it in national news. It is what it is. Why the principal decided to only take the girls out of class to give them this specific message seems to also be glossed over. Or why it was needed to be said publicly in a forum rather than a reminder by usual school communication where there could be no allegations of misunderstandings is another thing.

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You underestimate how incompetent and stupid a lot of Principals are.

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He was distracted ffs