Ted Hankey Offered a Premier League Wildcard

I’m not sure but your pal jimmy29 is fairly definite that he received an invitation in his thread opening post.

Hankey was offered a spot on condition he joined the PDC, since he does’nt have the guts to join the PDC

Yet the pdc are desperate for him to join their “Premier League” as their main box office attraction. And he said NO. Says a lot about the pdc’s place in the darting food chain.

BDO > pdc.

It’s yet another firm one of these from Ted for the Oi Oi Oi crowd:

You were saying Sid?

Have you changed your tune Bandage?

I think the two lads need to just go away for a while and regroup, maybe come back next January in time for the next bdo effort.

[quote=“jimmy29, post: 642984”]
Have you changed your tune Bandage?[/quote]

No, I certainly have not. Ted Hankey said ‘No’ to the Premier League. You said he was offered a place in it youself, Jimmy, and he’s not in the final 8. You were hardly lying now Jimmy?

I was right, as I tend to be when it comes to darts. From checking with my sources, Ted saw the new breed of BDO players in the flesh at the Lakeside and knew he couldn’t live with them any more and made the snap decision to enter the PDC retirement home.

Ted Hankey said NO to the pdc Premier League.

The Count wasn’t invited into the Premier League, despite what Anto might have suggested before. Despite being the best player the bdo had he wouldn’t be in the top 20 in the PDC. But yet he has joined the PDC, to test himself in the big leagues.

I’m sorry Dunph, jimmy29 confirmed that Ted Hankey had been offered a place in the pdc’s Premier League. Ted Hankey turned down this offer.

I would like to see what sources he had, but i can confirm that there was no offer of the kind to Mr Hankey. He did however come begging to join our organisation for real darts.

No, Jimmy definitively said Ted was offered a Phil’s Darts Club Premier League Wildcard.

Ted turned down this offer.

Only one party begged. The pdc. Hence their Premier League offer, much discussed among the Sky commentary team at the Grand Slam of Darts, which was rejected by Hankey. Ted dropping down a level reminds me of somebody like Peter Schmeichel, a stellar performer for years but coming to the end and realising that he had to move away to a less demanding level if he wanted to prolong his career. Ted has done that and good luck to him. As I say, like Bristow, he’ll always be associated with Lakeside and he’ll always be welcome back here.

The possibility of Ted joining the premier league was mooted by the pundits on sky during the Grand Slam, but there was never a concrete offer made. The great man will have to prove himself against the elite for a year before such a prestigious honour is bestowed upon him.

How is Hankey coming to the end you idiot? He is 42yrs old and has won numerous of your shoddy titles. He was narrowly defeated in the semi-finals this year by the eventual runaway winner. Had he more luck in that semi he would have won your bdo title. But crucially, had he got to the final he would have had to return to the bdo again next year, as per their archaic rules. Thus meaning his dream of joining the PDC would not materialise for another year. He clearly threw that semi final on purpose.
