Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

I doubt it. A lot of the success of Daesh is due to the use of modern technology.

Wishful thinking,

Cunts would probably do a luas, hopefully on the red line, but not when I’m on it

Or they could go for the green line with Mac on it at any time, even before it was built

Cork, they’ll do Cork.


Putin is a very very shrewd leader.

I’ve nothing but admiration for the man, The West have tried everything to goad him (bringing down the price of oil, putting barriers up to the gas pipelines, sanctions and the Ukraine situation, but he keep’s making the right geopolitical decisions. His two steps ahead of them and it’s fucking brilliant.

I can guarantee if any of these extremists even tried half the shit that their doing in Paris in Moscow he would have them all killed including their extended families and no one would be the wiser.

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To strike Britain, yes.

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They bombed a planeload of Russians out the sky last week mate.


Has that been confirmed pal?

Or are you regurgitating a Kay Burley report?

Is a strange one, Isis claim it but carpet sweeping big time. More people killed than Paris. Wtf like

The way it’s going these day’s ISIS are going to get the blame for Ray D’Arcy’s piss poor interview skills.

No official report yet, but widespread reports (driven somewhat by leaks from the investigating team) have it as by far the most likely cause.

I can’t remember the last time I watched Sky News for longer than 30 seconds.

We will never know who brought down that plane pal. It may be confirmed but nothing concrete will ever be released to the public.

You’re dead right on the avoidance of Murdoch News.

In fairness, that may well be an indicator that you’re watching it right now.

It tends to do that sort of thing to your brain.

Given what is already known, I’d be surprised if it’s not eventually confirmed that it was a bomb blast, I’m not sure there are too many suspects other than IS then.


Give that a read pal.

Trump knows.


France bombing ISIS targets in Syria

why wernt they oing this before this week or passing on info to the Russians

The clamber to exonerate Syrian fugees/migrants from any ‘bad stuff’ is amusing to watch.
As I see it right now if we want to survive then these type are not to be trusted and the last people we shoud be welcoming in droves. Apologies if we have to tar you all with the same brush but the consequences if we get this wrong would be catastrophic and irreversible. Sorry about that.
It’s not wrong or immoral or racist to desire to protect your own patch in what are desperately dangerous times for humanity.

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UAE and Jordan as well. Jordan must still be appalled at that poor man they burned alive in the cage.

Bang on.

The same bleeding heart liberals who were roaring and stamping their feet a few weeks ago that Ireland were not bringing in enough Syrian refugees have now changed their minds and have thrown their lot in behind France what with the French flag thing on social media, and they are now abhorred by the prospect of Syrian refugees.

so you are a no to the 5 a side game im organising?

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