Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Crazy to see the scale of the destruction in Syria. Entire cities just emptied out by the war. 9 million is the number who have been forced to flee their homes according to the UN. About 3 million of those have left the country.


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Poor bastards.

Media reporting a suspect has been DETAINED in the Brussels suburb of Molenbeek, following the surrounding of a building by police.

That’s just a mere detail. Now fall in.

Putin is the only true statesman of the last 50 years


Haughey was a tremendous statesman.


DONT SAY THAT NO :sunglasses:

Looks like the Muslim terrorists are here in this country.

Great work by Charlie, he has this in hand, like his father before him, always wary of the fuckers (Muslim or Jewish).



They need to bring that gard from Waterford (or Wexford, can’t quite remember) along

Anonymous have declared war on ISIS. The prophecy is coming true… They are going to get fucked by 72 virgins after all.


Stress apparently


If only Bressie had an international presence.

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can anyone in the know here say if the Islam crowd who have (bizarrely) settled here over the years help the Irish authorities regards monitoring of potential terror suspects.
i dont think this crowd do enough, an auld statement to say isis dont represent them is not enough for me, the gardai are monitoring a few of these fuckers.

i personally wouldnt let another Muslim into this country under the current circumstances but if we are going to house potential terrorists in amongst all the good guys (!) and take the risk that that involves then maybe we should insist on a form of religious indemnity from this crowd above behind their big wall and gates in Clonskeagh.
An eye for an eye is something this crowd believe in and practice so we could start there. You take 10 of ours then we want 10 of yours if you step out of line and so on but we demand to pick from the top table beginning with the Iman, the bishop, the ceo. whoever.

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