Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

But didn’t these clowns anonymous “declare war” on ISIS back in January again after the Charlie Hebdo attacks?How has that been working out for them? Bunch of keyboard warriors if you ask me.



Not sure if serious :smile:

I hope he is being ironic :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

[quote=“ProjectX, post:2239, topic:19924”]


Following the murderous attacks in Paris on Friday 13 November, the Muslim Council of Britain’s Secretary General Dr Shuja Shafi issued the following statement:

“The attacks once again in Paris are horrific and abhorrent, and we condemn this violence in the strongest possible terms. My thoughts and prayers for the families of those killed and injured and for the people of France, our neighbours.

This attack is being claimed by the group calling themselves ‘Islamic State’. There is nothing Islamic about such people and their actions are evil, and outside the boundaries set by our faith.

This week we have once again witnessed outrageous attacks be that in Beirut earlier in the week or Paris today – there is no justification for such carnage whatsoever. We hope the remaining people responsible are brought to justice and face the full force of the law.”

A Statement of Solidarity from British Muslim communities

14 November 2015

We are profoundly saddened by the loss of innocent lives in Paris, and our deepest condolences are with the family and friends of the victims, and the French nation.

Britons of all backgrounds, of every faith, every denomination, and none, are horrified by what we have learned, and are determined that those who seek to divide our diverse and peaceful communities in Europe will not succeed.

There is no justification for murder, and all British faith communities agree that those who commit acts of violence cannot do so in the name of any faith. Any such claim is illegitimate.

British Muslim communities are equally appalled by the violence, and angered by those who commit abhorrent acts in the name of religion. The perpetrators do not represent us; their views are perverse and self-serving.

We urge all communities in Britain and France to stand firm with compassion and solidarity. We must not let these terrorists divide us, otherwise the terrorists will win. Let us not play into their divisive narrative, and instead show them that people of all faiths and none can live peacefully, together.

Like the terrorists who want to divide communities, there will be some in the days ahead who will try to use this atrocity to attack innocent people. We equally reject their intentions.

It is evil people who do evil things; such acts will only increase our resolve to remain united.


– Aamer Naeem, Editor in Chief, British Muslim TV

Big men talking shite while standing behind their printers by the looks of it


Are they Clare supporters? I heard they love hiding behind printers.

Who are Daesh, boys?

Another word for the Islamic state boys

Waterford hurlers?

Not to be confused with ex-Irish international Daish:


Texas ain’t letting any in…

No nuts with guns welcome in Texas.


He has @dodgy_keeper’s vote anyway

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It’s the latest name for IS/ ISIL / ISIS / Eircom.

Apparently they don’t like being called Daesh, so everyone is being encouraged to use it. Between this and Facebook profile pictures it looks like only a matter of days before they are defeated.



They won’t be laughing when they are bred out of it and are citizens of the German Islamic republic

Maybe it’s time for all Britons, esp those who are Muslims to come out and show in a real way that tbese acts are not committed by them or on their behalf.
The terrorists who it appears do not act for them are by and large in their community and in their mosques.
It’s a lovelyr statement though and a lovely message. Flowery and full of love.

I don’t think prayer and hope on its own will solvte this one. We need these fucks to talk less and start acting.