Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

The jinn or these elves as you call them are well documented in most religious texts particularly the Quran.

They’ve integrated perfectly well in Clanbrassil street you lying cunt.

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You know when they have integrated when most county teams have a mohammed in them

The hum of jealousy off you

Youll be blown to smithereens well before that happens mate. These cunts in most cases will specifically target the lands of their agressors. The great briton agressors are high on that list

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Jealous? Of what, pal? I’m a regular due to having good mates there but there ain’t much going on bar drinking. It’s a one street village.

they had their go, we have proper police and special forces here to deal with the bastards, we have the best of them of them all, the SAS, if the SAS was in France that shit would not be happening, sure look what they did to the ra, wiped them out, and the ra thought they were the best in the world, just like the towel heads

Very imformative bud. What are these books you speak of?

Ireland has the best snipers in the world. We destroyed the Brits and the US in a recent competition.

The muslim population in great briton is what? They are there bud and could do a job on the london underground eazy enough. Sure the ra did the war monger/terrorist tatcher

no fear they might actually go out and fight like proper soldiers though is there?

They don’t have time for war.
There’s an awful lot of cash deliveries that need protecting.

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mi5 and mi6 know exactly what they are are at, best surveillance in the world

its Texas hold em night in the curragh, Saturday is takeaway night

we have no troops well a FAS course of one.

they spend their time filing ear damage claims from the sound of the sniper rifle they spend all their time practicing with


These fuckers are so phyced and mad they have no problem taking themselves out in the process that makes them so much more dangerouus and great briton is riddled with them. London will be got im afraid.

No worries pal. Here’s two that spring to mind:

  • “The Jesus Mysteries” by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy
  • “Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology” by Michael Tsarion (Irish author)

I have one or two books (from the 1940s by John G. Jackson on the Christ myth.

Sound bud. Will put one on my christmas list. Any one in particular to ease me in?

You’ll have plenty of time to read them in hell