Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

That DMT stuff from the amazon forest is supposed to be completely mad.

People start seeing jinns and stuff, a serious hallucinogenic.

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Has the solution been found to this rag head problem or are we still waiting on glad to enlighten us all?

I have the pigeons ready to be released.

not true every life matters

from what??

I have one of those pigeon trucks ready to go.

There is no solution, when people are brainwashed into believing that this life means nothing and everything is great once you die a martyr. I don’t know how that can be beaten.

The biggest threat that we face in my opinion is mass immigration of these lads who don’t and won’t affiliate into Irish society.

They have to be told no, they’re entitled to their beliefs but not here fuck that.


travellers and Muslims are not people

Maybe they should have put pictures of yer ones head in the press and say this is what happens to martyrs.

What’s the story with women martyrs do get to go.the paradise and get 14 virgins as well?

Very unlikely, most of these people just see women as vessels for procreation. Completely sub-servant to men

The Catholic Church aren’t great on respect for women either, fucking Magdalene laundries weren’t that long ago here.

  1. Colour not an issue
  2. religoun not the issue
    3 Protecting people in a more secure way the issue
    4 killing ourselves issue god did say if their is that man would end the world
    @glasagusban @ChocolateMice @Julio_Geordio @TreatyStones 4 points what do ye think

And Bamako is built on an Oasis in the desert. :eek:

If ISIS are after him he ain’t gonna Live Forever.

fucking holy pics in here

Reasonable post. There is nothing in Irelande for a Muslim. It’s nonsensical for them to be here let alone want to bypass all of EUR to get here.
They have no intention of ever integrating or respecting Irish culture.


We never conquered any of their countries, fuck that a couple of motorways surely doesn’t justify it from the Germans.

The bleeding hearts crowd then campaign for more. Shower of fucking care bear cunts.

There’s nothing in Ireland for anybody who lives outside Dublin (well, Galway at a push).

I’d rather 4 pints, Joe.

Galway? Go way to fuck. It’s a village.

It’s beyond mad. There’s a professor of psychiatry called Rick Straussman who has done a load of studies using DMT to treat people with mental problems. The stuff they report is off the wall mad. There’s one common thread to it, they all seem to meet these elves that live in some underworld where they are busily making the world we live in. They (the patients) have long telepathic chats with the elves and in later sessions on the drug go back and continue the dialog, and are welcomed back by the elves. DMT occurs naturally in the brain, there is a hypothesis that it is released in large quantities when people are dying, which might explain near death experiences.

That is fucking mad :grin: Probably more plausible then the loaves and fishes

A lot of stuff on this goes back to the age old good vs evil war going on, it’s fairly interesting though.

A lot of people who’ve used DMT haven’t been right since, hell of a natural drug.