Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

they want to level Paris the isis bastards, to think I was only strolling around there 5 weeks ago, down a lovley Autumn Sunday along the Bois de Boulogne as I made my way to Longchamps, terrorism the last thing on my mind, people jogging everywhere, the conkers falling off the trees, I was thing of who was going to win the arc

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Beautiful city

One bomb and wipe them isis out

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Channel 4, awful shower of bastards



Smashing article by Boyle. Expressing a similar view and asking the same questions Mick Wallace did. :clap:

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Outstanding reference to Star Wars thrown in to boot

ISSIS is Europeans Frankenstein, We made ISSIS but cannot control them???

Gunfire and hostage situation underway in Roubaix, North East France near Belgian border. No confirmation that this is terrorist related but thereā€™s a climate of fear and uncertainty and Iā€™m going to mention it here given this background.

hopefully its Abdeslam

Apt closure to this current joust if it is related.

Paris Roubaix and all that.

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Reports itā€™s a robbery and reports it was post a traffic stop. Could be both.

If itā€™s a robbery youā€™d have to wonder how thick these lads are. Cops and soldiers everywhere FFS

Not related





wrong. Tis an Offaly flag that one