Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

they should send in the SAS as the Belgian’s are not capable of dealing with the situation

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As far as I know, Britain is almost unique in terms of cctv coverage, wouldn’t be near as much in other countries.

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you are caught on camera 900 times an hour walking around London, unreal, there are below then in Vauxhall in MI6 headquarters, monitoring everything, I go past it everyday and wish I as working there

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There’s hundreds of ISIL walking freely around England, pal.

we know where they went for a shit last

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Probably on a street somewhere, the fucking animals.


The isil dick heads here on the mainland are only barstoolers anyway. Full of wind and piss like the ra heads at home in celtic jerseys. The SAS would have liquidated them long ago if they were any sort of threat

A Muslim bar, unreal… What would be the Jersey of choice for Towel head stoolers?




Burnley or Bradford

So is the Bradford City fire now to be celebrated or what?

Bradford City should be leveled, it is an Islamic state on British soil, you need to see it to believe it

Leicester City.

Birmingham,also Turnpike Lane in norfth landon

Monday 23 November 2015 19.06
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A police officer and soldiers stand guard on the streets of Brussels following the terror alert level being raised
A police officer and soldiers stand guard on the streets of Brussels following the terror alert level being raised
A Belgian anti-terrorism judge has charged a suspect with involvement in the Paris attacks, the federal prosecutor’s office said this, the fourth person to face charges in Belgium over the attacks in Paris on 13 November.

The suspect was arrested in a series of police raids in Belgium last night along with 15 other people who were all released without charge, as authorities warned of a Paris-style plot facing Brussels.

"The investigating judge specialised in terrorism cases placed into custody a man arrested during the operations of last night.

21 people arrested in raids in Brussels

Watch: 21 people arrested in raids in Brussels
Listen: 16 arrested in Brussels terror raids
Listen: Brussels remains under highest terror alert
“He is charged with participating in activities of a terrorist group and with terrorist attack [Paris]," the prosecutor’s office said in a statement.

“After thorough interrogation by the federal judicial police, the remaining 15 persons were released by the investigating judge.”

Mohammed Amri, 27, and Hamza Attou, 20, were charged last Monday on suspicion of helping alleged Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam with escaping to Brussels after the 13 November carnage in which 130 people died.

A third person who has not been publicly named was also charged with involvement in the Paris attacks on Friday and is reported to have helped Salah when he was dropped off in the Belgian capital.

This Belgian thing is ridiculously slow and painful. It’s like the worst thriller ever made.

whatever their doing its working anyway, no massacres yet

meanwhile back at the ranch

Belt of explosives’ found in bin near Paris
RTE.ie‎ - 45 mins ago
… strategy for tackling ISIL," Mr Cameron told a joint news conference with Mr Hollande.