Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

And she sounds like a right weapon herself

They’re saying your man recorded the whole thing on a GoPro

America will ban GoPro’s

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They seem a hell of a lot more dangerous than guns. The notions these products are putting in people’s heads is disgraceful.


A moooslim at a Christmas party?

Cameron for gets his army has being pushed back to fourth place and he is now involved just to see his name beside the big boys

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He was being ironic

Guns don’t kill people, GoPros do.

I was listening to some bloke on BBC4 there, there was a massive spike in oil exports from a Turkish port called Ceyhan earlier this year that has just been picked up on, these bastards should be blown to kingdom come, Turkey is an enemey of Europe and the free world, the cunts are buying as much cheap oil off isil as they can get their hands on

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Turkey needs to be destroyed.


Bomb Istanbul

NOT Constantinople

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How is war time treating our pals in the UK?

Have they had to introduce rationing for the citizens?

Christmas isn’t far away, pal.

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Good one :clap:

During World War II, the people of London went down into Tube stations to avoid being bombed.

Now, they’re staying out of Tube stations to avoid being bombed.

All has changed, changed utterly.



Is he something to Lovejoy ?


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