Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

The Educate Together is about 5 minutes walk from the house. At least 15 minutes to the next closest

I meant whatā€™s the difference educationally?

Educate together say it is ok for a man to love a man and a woman to love a woman. National Schools molest their pupils and hate women.


Iā€™d never let a child of mine mix with towel heads


I know 2 lads who both have their kids in ETNSā€¦both are exactly like you saidā€¦attention seeking, ā€˜we are so differentā€™ typesā€¦yet they are exactly a carbon copy of eachotherā€¦ā€œcool dadā€ overloadā€¦i would love my kids to have the protestant work ethicā€¦


Fucking Campionsā€¦

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generally, educate together is full of working class kids


Says a lot about the type of people you hang around with

Your child gets one childhood @Fran and its a short one, you are very blaise about letting some little Muslim shithead shorten it even further for her/him.

Maybe you should get up 10 minutes earlier @Fran, what do you think?


My kids will be well able to handle themselves when confronted by a Muslim shithead, I donā€™t want to molly coddle them.

Iā€™m sure Fran junior will be well equipped enough to break it to young Mohammed that his beloved prophet is a paedo of saville proportions and themselves and the Jews are the same really


Of course they will. Toughen them up. Deny them Santa. You have it all worked out Fran.
And you get an extra 10 minutes in the scratcher.


Which one of the mothers of your children is giving you grief over Educate Together buddy?

Fran is being badly exposed here.

Why do you have to be a vindictive cunt a lot of the time Mac?
Iv two reared, one half reared and just the one left now in a Catholic primary school playing Joseph actually tomorrow in the nativity play.

All is calm.


Glad to hear all is good mate. Why do you have to detect a vindictive undertone to any question I ask you? Take it at face value and move on.

heā€™s an unbelievable prick of a man thatā€™s way, a smarmy cunt

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he is old before his time mate, thatā€™s why, he is pissed off that others can enjoy life



he wont put his neck above the parapet again