Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

You wont get much of that in the artsy fartsy ETNS mate.

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Ah you would, kid. Kids are kids are kids.

But its not like you will ever have a full time job. Would be a nice outlet for you


I thought you were angling down that road alright… My NFLFF team are my full time job from Aug-Dec so I wouldn’t have the time, really.

Nah, they’ll be talking about their feelings, Bressie will be in teaching classes, we’re doomed mate.

There will still be social skills learned etc.

Kids arent allowed run in playgrounds as it is, can you imagine what ETNS playgrounds are like. Forget about it mate, they’ve won.

Get the kid to the point where they are literate, TFK will do the rest

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good for you.

wait till little Mohamad breaks it to young Francis that he doesnt celebrate Christmas and that Santa doesn’t exist and to prove his point he will tell her that he has never visited him or anyone he knows as they sit down to enjoy their petit filous in senior infants some morning.

fair dues to you though @fran, you will have made your point about religion etc etc etc

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lets discuss this in a mannerly fashion please, its a serious business.

You’re not far off…top notch nutritional, political, fitness and sporting advice and debate. The arts - history, media, poetry and literature all widely covered. The sex ed and religious ed need addressing tho.

we stopped using corporal punishment, and things have never been better. The streets are safe. Old people strut confidently in the darkest alleys. And the weak and nerdy are admired for their computer-programming abilities. So, like us, let your children run wild and free! 'Cos as the old saying goes, “let your children run wild and free”.


Santa, really? :joy: -

he stopped in southill, surely?

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Santa is great mate, don’t knock it

Couldn’t tell you, mate. I lived in Moyross till 14 and he certainly stopped there as the Guinness for Santa and carrot for Rudolph were always gone when I got up at 6am.


I ain’t knocking it -

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Exactly, if you think the current generation of youngsters are soft wait until these ETNS’s start churning out thousands of glasagusbans every year.

Then the country will be well and truly fucked.


Educate together is the closest school to me, it’s more a matter of logistics.

I don’t have any major point to make about religion, the second choice is catholic ethos.

Not sure why you are getting so worked up about this

What’s the difference? Apart from the non religious aspect obviously.