Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Thinly veiled “stop engaging with him as he’s making a fool of you”.

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I will happily let any reasonable poster on here decide who’s won this argument, you dont decide it yourself you fool. Constantly stating you’re winning doesnt prove anything.

Ive said numerous times the invasion turned out to be a disaster. But better managed it could have been a fantastic result, an end to a murderous despot. You are happy that hed be there killing away to this very day. By your reckoning, no one should ever be over thrown, regardless of their crimes, because in your opinion, you never know, what replaces him could be worse. You are a coward. And a terrible debater, ive answered all your ‘points’ youve ignored mine, lets not forget pulling posters up on grammatical or spelling errors was your earlier strategy. But you think you’ve made a fool of me.

*Comment from here down withdrawn, they were bad minded.


:smile: :clap:

And that right there, is an admission of total defeat.

I haven’t once pulled you up on a spelling or grammatical error.

Keep imagining things.

Just an admission that I was a fool for arguing with a sad weird individual. I’ll let another poster decide the victor, but here you are claiming victory, yet again. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, but reading back your posts have been an astounding example of ignoring what’s written, just powering on anyway, name calling and smiley faces. youve spent your new year just shrieking, ignoring, and making up what I said. You were all high and mighty a few posts back, until I proved you had no issue with Saadam continuing his murderous regime. What a backtrack. You kinda seem beyond help to be honest.

You are arguing with someone who just admitted to being plastered after drinking a few sherries. Think long and hard about that.

I’m arguing with someone who is quite possibly an alcoholic shut in. I need my head examined for engaging him

There is no point mate.

I’m too drunk to read paragraph’s but still reckon I’m 55% right. Both of ye should have a beer and enjoy the new year.

The thing is you end up realizing you are mostly arguing with yourself. There is clearly no obviously easy answer to these problems, but these extreme leftie types are defined by having no answers or laughably naïve answers. Embrace moderate muslims, ffs. Moderate muslims are happy to live in the west and enjoy the freedoms of the west, but refuse to confront the insanity of the religion they themselves embrace. The only one’s worth embracing are the reformist muslims, who want to discard all the 7th century madness in their religion (Mohammed’s Medina phase) and retain the essentially JC like philosophy (Mohammed’s Mecca phase). It’s really that simple, but pandering to the religion overall isn’t the answer.


If you had applied for asylum or were an economic migrant on temporary work permit, I’d expect you to serve your sentence and be deported straight from prison, as would happen to you in the U.S. Or Australia.
It is exactly what you’d deserve.


You have said that Iraq should have been partitioned. That would have resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent people and created God knows what other problems.

Ultimately the invasion and the policies you advocate killed far more people than Saddam did. You will say that you killed them trying to do a good thing whereas Saddam killed them for an ignoble reason but what difference does that make to the dead?

To try and disguise that by attacking @Sidney for supposedly ignoring Saddam’s evils is really just pathetic.

Grow the fuck up. You can’t invade an entire continent. You’re talking about eternal war, with the deaths of millions upon millions of innocents, for reasons of pretentious sanctimonious wank.

I appreciate that this is supposed to be a friendly forum but ultimately it’s impossible not to have contempt for people like you.

By way of a non sequitur aside, back when he was alive I used to really like Christopher Hitchens but now he’s dead and I can see things clearly I’m fucking delighted that cunts dead. Fucking egotistical wankstain, I’m glad he got cancer. At the time I was reading him he had me convinced that we should invade Iran for, in retrospect, basically no reason whatsoever. He would have killed millions of innocent people just because he couldn’t deal with his childhood issues with his mothers suicide.


What would have happened to Turkish Kurds if there had have been in independent Kurdistan in Northern Iraq? Do you honestly think that Turkey wouldn’t kill a million Kurdish civilians if it had to? And what would you do then, tell us to go to war with Turkey?

The planet is fucking destroyed from despicable know all cunts like you. You’ve a lot in common with the colonials at the end of WW1, the great nation builders who created the modern Middle East in the first place.

That prick Kristol of the Project New American Century started off a similarly not-too-bright know-it-all mouthing off shite online and in magazines, he eventually played a large role in the deaths of millions.

Are you fucking loaded, or are you Sidney’s alias. What millions would have died setting up three separate states, Sunni, shi’a and Kurd in giving those people exactly what they want. So what would have happened if sadaams regime ever did just disappear into thin air, everthing would have been hunky dory hold hands?

Iraq was drawn in Whitehall, no nation would have been formed with such disparate groups, they would have formed their own independent nations. You think britains colonial map makers should have their pipe dreams held together forever.

The rest of your post about Hutchins is truly weird, deranged, you didn’t have to read his writings, or be taken in by them, but you wished cancer on him. You’re odd pal. And yet again I’m spending time arguing with odd people.

Reasons of pretentious sanctimonious wank - that would be protecting innocent people from being gassed and killed, that’s why Saadam had to be deposed. Sanctimonious wank in your eyes.

You are talking to yourself dim wit


Sure, because invading Saudi Arabia isn’t a laughably naive answer.

Which we can assume you also advocate.

You expect to be taken seriously when you resort to this, and referencing my trip to Australia?


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Stop, Christ stop. Don’t ever reply to me or quote me again, until the ignore function magically returns, steer clear, please

I’ll quote you right here.

When you stray off the topic and bring what you think is somebody’s personal life into a debate, you’ve automatically lost. I’ve no problem with you taking the piss over my trip to Australia elsewhere on the forum (start a thread about it if you’re so inclined, by all means, I’m quite thick skinned), but if you’re using it as a tool to try and debate this topic, it says a lot about the paucity of your argument.

If you want to run away, by all means do so.

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You mentioned I was in British Columbia. But again, stop, leave me alone, yes I’m running away, you win, you are a brilliant debater.