Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Very, very different contexts, pal. I mentioned British Columbia because, like the people who took the decision to go to war in Iraq, you’re a long, long way away from the prospective arena of war you desire, ie. Saudi Arabia. War would appear to be merely a game to you. I made no snide comment about you living in British Columbia.

You, on the other hand, went into multiple personal rants against me. Again, if you want to do that, fine, I’ve no problem with that, but if you’re using it as a tool to try and win this argument, it’s an automatic admission of defeat.

Why don’t we continue the debate via pm if you want, stop subjecting the board to endless repetitive shite?

I’m quite happy for it to be public.

I can stand over everything I say.

Evidently you can’t.

I don’t think I’m dealing with a rational person here or so the past 16 hours would suggest, so please stop, you win, don’t reply to me again, in any thread.

You’re both terrorists.


And exactly what has been non-rational about my debating on this thread?

Don’t bore me, now, with allusions to spelling or grammar mistakes etc., because, as I’ve already reminded you, I haven’t pulled you up on anything of the sort, neither have I tried to ridicule your personal life (I don’t give a shit about it) - you have.

Who is we? No, I didn’t favor invading Iraq and I don’t advocate invading Saudi, sorry if that doesn’t fit your narrative. I favor active intolerance of hateful ideology and don’t make excuses for it because it’s protected as religion. Time for the human race to grow up and stop teaching venomous fairy tales to children.

Sorry. I’ll revise what I wrote to “Which it can be assumed you also advocate”, given you’ve decided to start your own branch of the grammar police, or should I say, possessive pronoun police (PPP).

I’ve already stated the following several times: I believe in freedom of religion, as long as that religion is not breaking laws. Law trumps religion every time.

Hateful ideology is not protected under most European hate speech laws. It is protected under the US constitution, which you have so vehemently defended in previous posts on the Trump thread.

Hard to do when religion has such influence over government. You have clearly misunderstood my posts on this subject. I oppose the US first amendment and believe it is time to amend it to reflect today’s realities. Europe opposes secular hate speech but allows religious hate speech. All hate speech needs to be outlawed.

You should have said that earlier, so.

Religious hate speech will usually fall under the umbrella of secular hate speech. Hence Abu Hamza’s imprisonment.

I’ll reply to any further questions tomorrow.

Ah this is fucking tragic. Fuck sake lads.

If you can’t conclude that I oppose the US first amendment from my belief that Islam ideology as it currently exists should be banned, then I have to question your comprehension skills. The US is by far the most tolerant country in the civilized world in terms of the right to free speech. This right in my view should no longer be afforded to violent Islamic beliefs.

Abu Hamza was convicted, both in the UK and the US, for soliciting murder and other violent crimes. More notably, he raised another generation to pursue violence. An extreme example like this does not make your case, whatever your case is. Extremists like Hamza have to be exterminated, but the ideology that motivates them has also to be confronted and exterminated.



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Actually I would expect the person to do the jail time and then be fucked out of the country.

As long as they’ve served their sentence first, fine.

OFFICIAL: @maroonandwhite is the dumbest bastard on all of the Internet.


Can you delete the last weeks posts in here? Also, can I propose an infraction for @maroonandwhite?

Primarily to get as far as possible from cunts like the selfish giant.
What better motive.

Scorn not.