Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread


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Note: they are referred to as asylum seekers and not refugees.

rapeugees they should be called

Noonan has opened the floodgates.

Thurles is fucked

You should research the role of a finance minister

Like the irish schools were

What happened to you joe? Something you want to share?

FFS will you just go away. Your no good to TFK. I look forward to takeing your dole money when @Rocko starts the betting


We are concerned for you joe.

You said something happened you in school. We are here to listen if you want to share.


Your a sick man

Another terrorist attach happening now.

Happy sid ?

Who’s directing this ISIS crowd. The poor old yanks specialise in going after a despot or dictator, but there doesn’t seem to any one person running the show in Syria. Or maybe I haven’t been following it enough to see that.
But who is at the top of the command in ISIS.


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The black lad from Offaly ? I knew it. Them biffos are cunts. Every last one of them.

Did you get councilling?

@Sidney is in Galway, stoned out of his head.
He will be taking all pro terrorist questions when he wakes this afternoon.


@Sidney is working double-time on the COTY - this is the one day in the year to cut him some slack. Have at it again tomorrow.

@glasagusban @Sidney

Do you agree?