Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

White fella has cut at the wife.

The threat of invasion may have been overstated

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Sure why would they come here and live in Mosney when they can have free reign around Europe

All the bullshit from the right wing Nazis like @HBV and @ProjectX and only a hand full of war torn craters want to come here to murder us… and half of em kids…

Doesn’t say much for Thurles

serious egg on the face of the do gooders here, roaring and shouting and marching to force the state to take in thousands and then just 20 want to come :grinning:

ffs talk about unrequited love :joy:

Irish People: please please please come to our country it will make us look good and in turn make us feel good.
Refugee from war torn country: fuck off its a shithole


It was a masterstroke by the Government.

Rapeugees: We need asylum, we need help, we are all going to die.
Ireland: OK, you can come here and stay in Thurles
Rapeugees: Ammmmmmm we’ll get back to you…


Irish people: we are begging you, we have ended up looking like right fools.
Muslim rapeugee: your women are swine, ugly cunts. We prefer fuck german woman.


the jihadis next door on ch4 now, some shower of bastards

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I’m watching it. I’d love to kick the shit out of those bastards. See that little cunt in the park with his gang of merry men and the Isis flag out.


To think the likes of @glasagusban think that the priority is that this bastards human rights get upheld.

Can’t the British fuck this dirty terrorist scumbag out, kid?

Prime Time making a hames of its reporting on Terrorism threat at the moment. Basically rehashing a documentary that was on TV3 about 2 months ago and repeated on 3e a bunch of times.

Jihadi Brides on network 2

This was on Channel 4 a while back I think.

he’d want an awful hiding, cheeky cunt

they’d have the cowardly cunt if he tried anything, thats the thing, they are full of shit when it comes down to it, they only attack helpless, and cut off lads heads when they have their hands tied behind their back, bunch of pricks and blowhards

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and you’re a real hero.

How can these evil bastards be tolerated within British Muslim community tho?
That’s what I don’t understand. If there was some cunt acting like that In the Roman Catholic community round here I’d batter the living shit out of him. We wouldn’t let the bastard behave like that in our name. That’s the difference. And the ‘atheists’ ‘agnostics’ all those pricks wouldn’t let us away with it either.
But the Muslims get away Scot free and lo and behold the atheist cunts not a peep out of them, For once.