Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Did you watch the programme? The only people standing up to these cunts were Muslims.


…but they are openly recruiting in the mosques. Ffs.

The only opposition they were facing on the streets was from Muslims, but that doesn’t fit your narrative so you are choosing to ignore it.

They were on Oxford St ffs preaching hate and posing for selfies while your average Englander was out shopping and doing fuck all about them.

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Thats how the show was edited, Dumbo.
There is no story in how ordinary people oppose these Muslim scum. Apart from them being ‘racists’ bizarrely. Having watched last night even you would admit that is bizarre?

These animals are operating in mosques. Recruiting, spreading vile, ‘praying’ and God knows what else. That’s disturbing and that’s a problem for ‘ordinary’ Muslims. It’s not the problem or responsibility of ordinary British public, you dumb greenhorn do gooder fucking dopey cunt.

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You are the most hateful I have yet to encounter. You need to stop with this stuff in all fairness. I don’t know what your plan is but will you please stop it and row it back in… What you’re doing here is hate speech. Do you not understand that?

I just want the murdering to stop. In particular and in this instance murdering under the banner of religion.
You are someones unoriginal and piss poor alias.

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:joy: :joy:

What a slavering fucking moron you are.

The gardai have confirmed they have prevented a number of young muslims from travelling to Syria to join ISIS.

So now instead of them satisfying their blood lust over in some god forsaken desert they are now sitting at home in their flats, stewing away, thinking to themselves what can do to help ISIS from here?

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really really weird that you go out of your way to excuse those housing and providing an environment for terrorism and terrorists.
do you completely exclude Muslims who are praying, eating, socialing etc with known isis terrorists from any responsibility? how weird.
do you see any issue at all with british mosques accommodating known isis terrorists and providing an environment for them to spread their hate and plan their murders?

this is not just an argument on the internet, its a real issue.

yes. alternatively you can say they have prevented some quasi Irish Islamic scrotum from getting locked up somewhere during his fight against the west and then involving the Irish state in an attempt to free his greasy stinking hole… ala Ibraham Halawa whose father Sheik Hussein Halawa just happens to be the senior cleric in Clonskeagh and irish Muslim brotherhood driver. coincidence i suppose.

my own opinion is we should fund all flights to wherever these shits want to go, remove their irish passports and burn them in front of them as they board the plane so there is no uncertaintly as to the fuckers ever coming back here…


Very suspicious that the word “terrorist” would a regular word in the vocabulary of a 10 year old.

Perhaps “terrorist” is a word he sees a lot at home?

As a precaution, this child’s parents should be interviewed by anti terror police and their internet records examined closely.

Lighting a big fire in such close proximity to a tank full of aircraft fuel doesn’t sound like a particularly bright idea to me, although it might result in a particularly bright outcome.

converse with many 10 year olds?

Your disturbing pro Muslim terrorist / pro rapist opinions are not acceptable in this country.

Perhaps you should go to Syria. Sounds like you would fit right in.

Only @Joe_Player

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You moron. Even in the unlikely event his parents were involved in terrorsit activity, do you think they would identify as “terrrorists”. Do you think his da has a Terrorist Swipe Card? Or his ma leaves copies of the Terrorist Business Calendar around the place? You’re a thick fool.

@Rocko or @Bandage - is it possible to restrict the number of links that a particular user can post on a given day?